Sunday, June 27, 2010

Seeking approval

One of my many faults is a bad case of self-doubt. In many cases, it's the penalty for being tuned in to what other people think and feel... a good thing in my job trying to communicate with others, not so good when I want to sell myself or my ideas and I over-empathize with whoever I think doesn't want to hear what I'm saying.

So this post from Seth Godin's blog is a kick in the pants for me. I share it here, with credit to him, in case you need a kick as well.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Killing time last night I was flipping through the tv channels and happened upon an old episode of The Golden Girls.

The show has been in the news of late, with Rue McLanahan's death and Betty White's star turn on Saturday Night Live. So I put down the remote and watched for awhile.

I never was a regular viewer, but I do recall when the show was in its first run 20 years or so ago, the Girls seemed... well, old. Euphemistically "golden." Funny, sassy, but old.

So imagine my surprise when last night I found them to be quite a bit younger than I remember. Even, maybe, about my age... certainly not old.

Which proves the theory of relativity is really all about the perception of everything from the point of view of yourself....